Lady Lodge Systems Ltd
Specialists in computer systems for the Foodservice
and Ice Cream distribution industries
(in fact we don't supply any
other kind of business).
You have arrived at the LLS Cloud Servers.
LLS hosts several services for our TRACT clients in the cloud namely:
- Coldweb the Online Business to Business Ordering Website
- Repweb the Online Sales Reps CRM, Sales Information and Quoting System.
- Deliveryweb the Online Driver Routing, Tracking and POD linked with the TRACT Delivery Driver App.
- WMSweb the Warehouse Management App and Management System for TRACT.
- GotyourOrder the Online Purchase Order Confirmation System for TRACT Users.
For more information about Lady Lodge Systems email
Lady Lodge Systems Ltd, Bridge House, Bridge Street,
Kings Cliffe, Peterborough, PE8 6XH
Tel: 01780 471800
Fax: 01780 471801
Lady Lodge Systems Ltd/